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Cold Season Is Coming Soon!

Cold Season Is Coming Soon!

Are all your belongings protected from this coming winter? Are you ready for the low temperatures? It’s been rumored that this year’s temperatures are going to be really cold. At least here in Texas, the temperatures haven’t dropped—if anything, they’ve been high. However, let’s not underestimate Mother Nature, and let’s be cautious when it comes to protecting our important possessions.

Many of our belongings tend to sit outside in our backyard, leaving them exposed to the elements. That’s especially true for farm equipment or tools, which can be very expensive. If you own machinery, farm tools, or multiple vehicles, this 44’W x 31’L x 12.8’H vertical barn might be beneficial for you:


This agricultural barn comes fully vertical and fully insulated, main unit (24’W x 31’L x 12’H), two (2) 10’W x 31’L x 10’/8’H Lean-Tos, four roll-up doors (two 10’ x 10’ and two 8’ x 7’), a walk-in door, and eight windows. Remember, insulation is optional.

We can customize any metal building according to your needs and preferences! Talk to one of our sales representatives and get started with a FREE quote. Your future metal building can be one call away! Don’t forget to ask about our financing options.



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