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Benefit from the Strength of Steel

Benefit from the Strength of Steel

One of the major advantages of steel trusses is their high strength-to-weight ratio. It makes for a stronger product and one that can withstand heavy wind and snow loads. Therefore, steel is almost exclusively the choice for builders designing large sporting arenas, warehouses, hangars, and so on.

Steel is uniform. Timber, which can’t possibly be uniform due to its inherent natural growth environment, can’t compare to steel trusses that are completely true to form. They are pre-fabricated in factories with stringent quality control. The trusses that arrive at the job site are constructed exactly as designed, with minute variation – if any. In the realm of wood timbers, whose properties can vary over time in response to temperature fluctuations and relative humidity, steel can’t be beat.

Steel is incredibly durable. Not only can steel trusses withstand high-stress situations under both tension and pressure, they also require very minimal maintenance. Furthermore, steel and metal roof systems are recommended in areas of the country where there is severe wind and/or or storm potential. Roofs can be engineered to resist extremely high wind uplift ratings, including hurricane-force winds.

These advantages make steel roof trusses an affordable building option, especially when you weigh the savings gained via lifetime costs as a result of their durability and longevity.


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