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Short Blog: Truss Spacing

Short Blog: Truss Spacing

Truss spacing or upright spacing can vary for several reasons. Truss spacing adds or subtracts the amount of material that is on your unit which results in cost going up or down. The main reason for truss spacing variations is the area in the United States you reside in. Carports and metal units in Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Louisiana and several others where snow isn’t a huge factor tend to have an upright spacing that is a standard 4’ center to center. Metal buildings installed in areas where snow is a concern tend to have leg spacing closer together, which results in more material being used and causes the price of the building to go up.   


Have additional questions? Any concerns? Feel free to give us a call and let one of our experts assist you! You’re building might not need the additional trusses, but is always better to ask.


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