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How to Build the Perfect Garage Workshop

How to Build the Perfect Garage Workshop

Many people dream of having a spacious garage workshop for all of their various projects and chores. They’re not as expensive as you might think! A custom metal building from American Steel Carports, Inc. can allow you to select your preferred features at an affordable cost. Explore how to build the perfect garage workshop starting with our structures!

A Dedicated Space

The first step when determine how to build the perfect garage workshop is to set aside space that is specifically designated for your projects. It’s all too easy to allow the rest of your life to blend in with your workshop, but that is not a productive approach. Soon, your workshop space will be overrun with other items, and you’ll never get anywhere with your projects. Whether you’re able to dedicate an entire garage to workshop duty or just a portion of it, make sure your space is clearly defined from the start.

Your Workbench is the Focal Point

With your space established,turn your attention to the workbench. This is the heart of the workshop, as it is where many of your tools will live and where you’ll work. The perfect workbench is going to vary from person to person, but here are some key things to keep in mind:

  • The right height. Do you like to work standing up, or do you prefer to sit in a chair?Are you taller or shorter than the average person? Your personal situation is going to dictate the ideal height for the workbench, so be sure to place it in such a way that you can work comfortably for hours.
  • Smart storage. You’ll want to have the tools you use most often within arm’s reach. Bigger tools that are used less frequently can be stored under the bench or elsewhere. It’s hard to get things done when your work space is cluttered and messy, so creating organized storage solutions should be a top priority.
  • Room to expand. Don’t build your new workbench just barely big enough to handle your current projects. Instead, create something large enough to take on bigger jobs that you might tackle in the future.

Account for Open Space

As you get excited about the various possibilities for your workshop, don’t forget to leave some open space in the design. This blank space is important for a couple of reasons. First, it will allow you to move freely around the workshop, creating a more enjoyable experience. Also, when working on a big project that goes beyond the scope of your work bench, you can move into the open space and have all the room you need to work.

When ordering your metal workshop, think ahead. Having more space allows you room to grow, but ordering a size that’s too small can be limiting without much room to change.

Light It Up

You will need to be able to see clearly in your shop, so a detailed lighting plan is an important step. For starters, you will want to have some large, overhead lights to illuminate the whole space with the flip of a switch. From there, consider adding some smaller lights over your workbench for more direct lighting on your projects. Also, it helps to have a couple of portable lights on hand that can be moved into position wherever they’re needed.

Your Own Building

At first, you may be thinking of creating this dream workshop in the garage that is attached to your house. That can work, of course, but it might not be the best choice if you are serious about your projects. The garage may also be home to a vehicle or two, storage of overflow household items, and recreation equipment like bikes, skis, golf clubs, etc. In other words, it’s hard to find dedicated workshop space in the average garage.

So, what’s the solution? Build a separate garage, of course! That might sound like an expensive endeavor, but opting for a metal garage will make it far more affordable. Metal structures from American Steel Carports can be constructed quickly, designed specifically to suit your needs, and are durable enough to face tough weather conditions.

You can use the handy Build& Price Tool on our website or call to speak with a member of our team. Let’s get started on making this dream a reality!


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