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Create a Custom Tool Shed with American Steel Carports, Inc.

Create a Custom Tool Shed with American Steel Carports, Inc.

Having a large collection of tools is great, but only if you have somewhere to store them all. Without an organized storage space it can be difficult to find what you need. American Steel Carports, Inc. comes to the rescue with our selection custom steel tool sheds.

Our storage sheds are excellent options for creating your own custom tool shed. If you live in the New Mexico and Texas regions we offer vertical mini-storage sheds. With some careful planning, you’ll be able to organize your collection of tools like never before.

To get started, experiment with our Build & Price tool. This handy online tool will let you customize the design of your shed to perfectly suit your needs. For help directly from our team, just contact us at your convenience. We’re excited to help you get started on your next project!

Make a List to Get Started

Perhaps the biggest mistake you can make on this project is ordering a shed that is too small to house all your tools. Avoid that error by carefully accounting for all the tools that will need to be stored in the shed. This will take a bit of time and effort, but it’s better to do the work now than realize you don’t have enough space after the shed is constructed.

As your list grows, pay careful attention to any items that will require a significant amount of space in your new shed. For lawn tools, like lawnmowers, string trimmers, and wheelbarrows can take up more storage space than you realize. If you’re into working on cars, your big tools might be an engine hoist, a large tool chest, and an air compressor. You probably don’t need to count every wrench and screwdriver but be sure to consider all the big pieces that will need a home.

Expanded Space to Work

Another key decision to make is how much room you’ll need when working on your projects. It might be convenient to have a workbench inside the shed where you can handle small projects, but you’ll need a larger shed to make that happen. Our mini storage sheds are great for basic tool storage, but you could move up to a larger steel storage shed if you plan to include a workspace.

Consider Custom Features

A metal shed is a basic structure, consisting of little more than a roof, four walls, and a door. While that basic structure will work just fine for a standard tool shed, you might decide to add some custom features to upgrade the experience. Some of the options include:

  • Roll-up door. If you are going to store large tools in this shed, or work on large projects, having a roll-up door for access will give you more flexibility than a simple walk-in door.
  • Window. This is another great feature to consider when your tool storage shed is also going to be used as a work area. It may get a little warm and stuffy inside the shed during the summer, so having a window to open would make it much more comfortable for doing work.
  • Roof style. Depending on the climate where you live, selecting a vertical roof style, which is going to be stronger than a horizontal layout, may be a smart move. On the other hand, if your climate is relatively mild, a horizontal roof can help keep the cost of the project down.

Is a Permit Required for a Shed?

Depending on where you live, you may need a permit to build a tool storage shed on your property. The best way to approach this part of the project is to do research into acquiring a permit so you don’t run into delays later. You’ll want to know if any restrictions are in place on the size of your shed or anything else you need to know before the building is put in place.

Ready to Get Started?

If you are tired of sorting through piles of disorganized tools to find what you need for a job, don’t wait any longer to create a custom tool shed on your property. We want all our customers to get exactly what they need in a custom steel tool shed, so we make as many custom options as possible available when you order. If you need some help bringing your design together and picking the right features, feel free to contact us directly for help. American Steel Carports, Inc. offers durable and affordable custom sheds that will serve your needs for years.

Contact us right away to put this project in motion!


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