Customer Service: (866) 730-9865

Sales Representatives: (866) 471-8761

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Interested in Becoming One of Our Dealers?

Interested in Becoming One of Our Dealers?

Do you own your own business? Are you looking to make some extra money for your business?



American Steel Carports is here to help!



ASC has been in the metal carport industry for over 15 years. We specialize in our field of work and have steadily grown throughout the time that we’ve been in business. We have helped to generate income and clients for small business owners nationwide, and we are still partnering with those who have been with us since the beginning.


We have partnered with over 5,000 dealers and have grown, throughout the years, to specialize in “business to dealer” communication. We are always looking to partner with anybody who’s willing to work with us, all the while providing you with an incentive for your hard work and dedication. Below is a list of benefits that come with becoming a dealer for American Steel Carports:


   • You will get a 10% commission on value of building from each of your sales after we provide you with training.

   •  A representative will be assigned to you to assist in training, questions, and concerns. They will visit you 2-3x per year

 • It is our responsibility to show you how to price our units and answer any questions you might have. We have a team in our corporate office that will always be available to answer your questions.

   •  We can provide a free display (or more depending on business/location/sales) that will help you attract more customers.

   •  If you don’t have room for a display or if your business is online, you can still be a dealer.


Anybody can apply to become a dealer: all you need to do is provide some information about your business and a few pictures of your location. All information that is provided will be kept confidential and will not be sold. We will always notify you with an email or a text message alert of any deals that are going on in your area or any new prices that come up.


Please submit the following information to

  • – Business Name
  • – Address
  • – Years in Business
  • – Pictures of your location


Make sure to check if we service the state you’re located inClick here.



Come join our team here at American Steel Carports!


Learn more about the tools you need to pass your teacher certification exam!

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