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What Shed Should I Build?

What Shed Should I Build?

On the surface, building a new shed seems like a simple project. After all, sheds are simple structures and typically don’t have too many complicated design elements. With that said, there are more options here than you might imagine, and many of them are offered by American Steel Carports, Inc. Despite our name, we frequently complete shed projects for our many customers, and we’d love to do the same for you. 

You’ll see immediately that many different types of sheds are available when you start to explore our site. Once you have an idea of what you’d like to create, use our Build & Price tool to give that idea some form and submit your creation for a free quote. If you wind up needing any help along the way, please take a moment to contact us, and we will be available to help right away. Thank you for taking the time to visit American Steel Carports, Inc.!

What Shed Should I Build?

There are plenty of different types of buildings that you can order and classify as a shed. When you shop at American Steel Carports, Inc., you’ll see plenty of options on our pages. For example, a mini storage shed is a classic option and one that we are proud to offer to our customers. A basic mini storage shed will feature a small roll-up door, an additional entry door, and even a small window. Of course, you can customize this design like all of our buildings, but the basic starting point is a good option for many buyers. 

A basic mini storage shed is a great option, but it’s far from the only way you could go. It’s also possible to build a loafing shed, which is a great structure for both animals and their supplies. Even a small loafing shed can make it much easier to manage the animals that live on your land. Or, if you have an exciting building on your property that you would like to add onto, a lean-to could serve as a nice shed space. No matter what type of shed you decide to build, if you work with American Steel Carports, Inc., you can always count on fair pricing and a commitment to quality that isn’t easily matched by the competition. 

Assess Your Needs

Of course, no one type of shed is the best option for all buyers. Instead, the shed you decide to build needs to be customized to your situation. What are you trying to accomplish with this shed project? A shed that will be used for basic storage needs will look quite a bit different than one that will serve as a home for a few animals when the weather gets too hot to be out in the sun. 

Consider taking a moment to write out a list of the things that you will want to do with this new shed. With those points written down in front of you, it will be easier to think about how all of your objectives can be accomplished with a single building. Since all of the buildings we offer can be fully customized, coming up with something that checks every box on your list is only a matter of time and a bit of creativity. Our team will be happy to help with the design process if you are stuck on making the finished product just right for what you want and need. 

Practical Considerations

Before you get too far ahead of yourself, remember to inject a bit of practicality into this process along the way. For instance, designing a grand, glorious shed that is far more expensive than what you can currently afford doesn’t make much sense. It’s better to know limitations like your budget and the space you have available in advance, so you can use those to frame your decisions and come away with something that is both ideal and practical. 

A Trusted Partner

Perhaps the most important part of this whole project is working with a team that you can be sure will have your best interests in mind. That’s exactly what you’ll find when you team up with American Steel Carports, Inc., so don’t hesitate to turn to us for assistance. With the many options we offer for shed projects, it will be easy to get exactly what you need in the finished product. We are excited to get started so contact us today. 



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