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What Shed Size Do I Need?

What Shed Size Do I Need?

Deciding to build a new shed is a pretty easy choice, given the impressive list of uses that most sheds offer. Whether for storage, projects, or a combination of the two, a new shed is an exciting feature to add to your property. But how big should that shed be? The possibilities here are endless, so you need to have a framework that you can use to narrow down the options and settle on a shed size that is sure to serve your needs. 

No matter what dimensions you decide will be best for your situation, American Steel Carports, Inc. is here to help. We offer easy customization through our Build & Price tool, so you can simply dial up the right dimensions for your plans and then add any other custom feature you desire before submitting the design for a quote. Additionally, you can always reach out to our friendly team if you would like help along the way. Don’t wait any longer to get started!

Start with Your Limitations

While it might not be the most exciting or optimistic point to start on, the best place to begin in this process is by looking at what limitations you are facing for this shed project. This initial step will give you a dose of reality and define some clear constraints for the rest of the job. With those constraints clearly outlined, you can then explore your viable options and pick out a shed design that will serve you well. 

The most notable constraint here, of course, is the space you have available for your shed. If you only have a 10’ x 10’ space that is available for construction, you’ll know right away that your shed can be no larger than that footprint. It’s much better to sort this out at the start than to figure out later that the shed you are hoping to build simply won’t fit on your land. 

Beyond the size of the building, two other constraints to consider are your budget for the job and any zoning restrictions that must be managed. On the latter point, be sure to check on zoning and code rules beforehand so you don’t get into trouble after the shed is done. Setbacks from property lines are one area where people often make mistakes, so be sure to know how close you can build to the line without running afoul of regulations. 

What Shed Size Do I Need?

Part of determining what size shed you need is looking into the future to project your requirements. It’s relatively easy to see what you need now – maybe you just want enough room to park your lawnmower and store some garden tools – but what about in the future? Do you have plans to take up a new hobby that will require some storage? 

While it’s hard to know what the future will hold, you can do your best to think through some scenarios that might impact what kind of space you’ll need in a shed. It’s possible that you don’t have any reasons to think you’ll need a bigger shed down the road, but it’s also possible that you can foresee a situation where a larger shed would come in handy. Just make it a point to spend some time thinking about this matter so you can size your shed accordingly. 

A Common Mistake

As you might imagine, building a shed that is too small is a common mistake made by many property owners over the years. Not only are many sheds undersized for what the needs of the owner will be in the future – as we talked about above – but plenty of sheds are ordered that are too small even on the day they are built. 

Remember, you not only need space inside the shed for the things you want to store, but also for yourself to get in and out of the shed comfortably. If you can’t get inside to retrieve what you need, the space won’t be that useful. As a good rule of thumb, don’t plan on storing anything in the middle of the shed when you design your layout and choose your dimensions. Plan to leave the middle open for foot traffic while all of your things are stored around the sides. 

Take the First Step

Rather than letting your vision for a new shed remain only in your imagination, bring it to life starting today with the help of American Steel Carports, Inc. Our friendly and experienced team is here to make this project a success! Contact us today.


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