Month: November 2022

The Best Covered Parking Structures for Apartments

Cars parked outside in a parking lot when they should be parked underneath the best parking structures for apartments!

Offering covered parking to apartment tenants is a major perk that is sure to be appreciated by anyone thinking of renting a unit. With so many vehicles coming and going through the day and night, damage to vehicles in apartment parking lots is relatively common. Adding covered parking can help to protect those vehicles, potentially giving your property an advantage over the local competition.

Of course, any parking structure you add to your apartment complex property has to be a good one. A low-quality structure isn’t going to hold up over time. If you’re looking for the best covered parking structures for apartments, turn to American Steel Carports, Inc. To get started, see what you can create with our Build & Price tool. Looking to make your project even bigger than this tool allows? Contact our team for assistance! We’re always here to help.

A Desirable Amenity

The primary motivation for adding a parking structure at your apartment complex is that it will be seen as a nice amenity for potential renters. When trying to decide where to live, potential renters are sure to check out a few places and list the amenities that they offer while also considering the monthly cost of a unit. If you can present a similar monthly cost while offering more amenities than nearby complexes, you’ll have a great chance at keeping your occupancy high year after year.

The parking structure alone might not be the tipping point that causes someone to sign a lease, but it will be one more thing in your favor. Also, for existing tenants, adding a parking structure is a clear sign that you are continuing to invest in the complex and their satisfaction, so it could go a long way toward helping with retention, as well. Anything that can help bring in new tenants while also retaining current residents is certainly worth your attention.

Working with the Right Supplier

Finding the right partner for this project is a critical step. Since you may need to purchase several parking structures around the property, and since you need these to live up to high standards, it’s important to work with a company that can fill such an order without ever sacrificing quality.

There are many different carport companies out there in the market today, and they represent a wide range of quality levels. If you happen to see carports available for prices that are hard to believe, think twice about what the company will be able to deliver for such a low cost.

Be wary of doing business with any carport company that doesn’t offer customizations or isn’t willing to stand behind their products with some type of warranty. You shouldn’t be forced to settle for whatever stock designs they happen to have, and you certainly shouldn’t need to make this purchase without any warranty coverage to protect your investment. Fortunately, you’ve already found the best covered parking structures for apartments at American Steel, so you can turn to us and be sure that we’ll deliver!

It’s All About the Bottom Line

When making a business decision, the only thing that really matters is the bottom line. Is spending money on a given project going to result in a positive return on investment? If the answer is yes, that decision becomes an easy one. With building a parking structure, especially one that is as durable as what you’ll get from American Steel Carports, Inc., it’s easy to see how the return will be positive in the long run.

The big advantage here is the number of years that you can expect to get from one of our metal structures. With our 12-gauge products backed by a 20-year warranty, you can rest assured that your new parking structure is going to continue to pay off well into the future. Not only will the durability pay off in terms of how many years the structure will last, but the quality that goes into our products means your tenants will be able to trust that this is a sturdy roof worthy of protecting their vehicles.

American Steel Has Your Apartment Covered

Given the affordable and durable nature of our covered parking structures, this is a project that can fit into your apartment’s budget now and still last for years to come. You don’t want to find yourself right back at the drawing board looking for a new parking structure shortly after buying the first one, so stick with American Steel Carports, Inc. to get the quality you deserve.

If you need help planning this type of large project, get in touch with our team today! We hope to help you soon with this exciting new project.

5 Reasons to Invest in a Winter Carport

Miniature car parked in the snow: five reasons to invest in a winter carport

Parking your vehicle outside might not pose much of a problem for the majority of the year. When temperatures are mild, and precipitation is rare, parking outside might serve you just fine. However, if you live in a cold climate, the winter months are going to be a different story entirely. With this article, we’d like to present five reasons to invest in a winter carport for your property.

Once you’ve decided to make this purchase, be sure to start the process here at American Steel Carports, Inc. The first step is using our Build & Price tool to check out what’s possible. If any questions come up as you design your carport, contact our team for help!

#1 No More Digging Out

For people in snowy climates, this first selling point will be enough all on its own to convince them that a carport is a worthwhile investment. Simply put, digging out of the snow day after day gets old in a hurry. When you park in a sturdy winter carport, the snow will be kept off of your vehicle and you’ll simply be able to slide in behind the wheel and be on your way.

It’s important to consider how many vehicles you use on a daily basis and how big your carport will need to be to accommodate all of those cars and trucks. You’d ideally be able to keep all of the vehicles out of the snow, so getting a double- or triple-wide carport may be the best way to go (assuming you have the space for it).

#2 Prepare for an Incoming Storm

If you have a carport on your property, you’ll have some additional outdoor space available to put things away when a storm is in the forecast. Some of your outdoor belongings that might be fine to live out in the weather most of the time could be at risk when the weather turns stormy, so adding a covered, protected area will give you another option in such a situation. You can crowd quite a bit of stuff under the roof of a carport when necessary, and you can simply move those things back out again once the storm has gone through.

#3 Protect the Condition of Your Vehicle

Parking in a covered area day after day is going to do wonders to protect the condition of your vehicle over the long run. When left out, the finish can be degraded by the sun’s UV rays, it can be pounded by precipitation, and debris from nearby trees could cause problems, as well. Given the modest cost of a good metal carport from American Steel Carports, Inc., you’ll be getting great value when you keep your vehicle in good shape for many years ahead.

#4 Good for More Than Just Cars

While the name “carport” might lead you to think that this kind of structure is about nothing more than parking, that is far from the truth. In reality, carport owners use their buildings for many different purposes, including storage, working on projects, etc. The nice thing is that you don’t have to commit to a single one of those uses – this space can always be in flux, changing uses as time passes. Finding new ways to utilize your carport year after year is just another way that this structure can add value to your property.

#5 Useful Throughout the Year

While you might initially be motivated to add a carport to your property because of what it can do for you during the winter, it will be just as useful in the summer months. It’s nice to park under a roof during the summer to avoid letting your vehicle get too hot before you have to get in and head out for a drive. Also, you might choose to use your carport for other purposes in the summer months, such as for a shade structure that you could put a table and chairs under for a gathering with friends.

American Steel Has You Covered

We hope you enjoyed this blog on reasons to invest in a winter carport! So, should you invest in a winter carport? At American Steel Carports, we think so! Just remember: while a carport can be a huge upgrade to your property, this is only true if you buy a high-quality structure. A cheap carport might seem like a way to save money at the start, but it’s only going to cause you frustration in the end—especially if it collapses under the weight of snow or blows away due to high winds. At American Steel Carports, Inc., we take pride in the quality of our products, and we even stand behind our 12-gauge materials with an impressive 20-year warranty.

To get started on your next home project, see what’s possible with our free Build & Price tool. If you have any questions along the way, our team is always here to help. Thanks for stopping by our blog, and we hope to serve you soon!